have never used any blog website before so I was kind of worried about
using it because I was worried that I wouldn't know how to use it
properly, but once I started using it, it became something very simple
and very easy to use however one thing that annoys me is placing
pictures on to posts because it is not as straight forward as microsoft
word which is something that I'm used to using when placing pictures.What I like about blogs is that I can look at other blogs that are by people from previous years and I can get ideas of what to write or add on my own blogs. I also hear a lot of celebrities or youtubers like Huda Beauty, Amrezy and Mariam Diamond who say that they are bloggers and they ask people to check out their blogs all the time, now that I have started using blogger.com I kind of understand why they always advertise their blogs. Blogs could be useful because they can be updated all the time unlike books especially when more and more people are using technology in their daily lives. so far I have used websites such as Imgflip.com and Prezi.com, dafont.com and freesounds.com to help me use different formats to present my blogs or to help create my film.
When constructing my evaluation I used Prezi.com which is a format that I haven't used before and I used it
as the base or the main format of writing my evaluation, I first
anserwed all my questions on there as my draft evaluation and then after
that I would have looked at the other formats to answer some of my
questions for the final evaluation. In my opinion I think that Prezi is
similar to power point but instead you can make your prezi online and it
sometimes saves automatically unlike powerpoint. I found prezi very
easy to use but when someone else looks at it they would think that I
probably spent ages editing the paths and the zoom in and out effects
when infact the program does that automatically for you, Prezi is very easy to use but very fun or nice to watch at the same time. I have also never used Imgflip.com which is a gif maker, because I have never made a gif before. Again it is a bit easy to use because downloading the gif is very straight forward but I found it difficult to choose the part of the video that I wanted to make as a gif another downside is that the gifs didn't move when I put them on my Prezi but that might just be a fault in the prezi website. I have definetly used dafont.com in the past for work that I did in GCSE so I definetly wanted to use it to download unique fonts for the titles for my film. People who have reviewed my film most of them commented on how much they liked the title's font. On dafont you can always find a font somewhere that could suit the subject of what your making or presenting. The only time I used freesounds.org is when I made my film all of my sound effects that I used for my film are on there I think that it is a very good website especially when you can download them for free, however I had a slight problem with finding sound effects for my sirens, because I wanted one that the volume would go for a low to high, but then I realised that I could just edit that sound on premier pro instead, which is what I ended up doing.
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