Filming day1
I have managed to borrow the school's camera and tripod for this weekend to take some practice shots and to see if I can also take any final shots. I will return all the equipment by Monday morning.
Pre filming:
Today I am planning to shoot the close ups of the father's shoes. Hand held camera work when he is going down the stairs and the scene where he notices the MM. I will also try and shoot the scene with the victim sleeping in the bed and of her waking up. Finally I will try and film the MM standing in the other side of the road
Post filming update:
Today I managed to get all the shots for the Victim's father, I had to re take a lot of scenes such as the part where the father has to shout that he is going and also the part where he had to leave the house as there were a lot of cars around but I did manage to get the FINAL shot for that scene. I tried to shoot the scene where the MM is standing across the street. I also added the idea of having a pan up or the camera being lifted slightly upwards as the MM is standing. I also added this to my improved storyboard. However I was not able to shoot the victim's scene as my parents (who are helping me to shoot some scenes and help me to set up) had to leave the house. which means that I will be shooting the Victim's scene tomorrow.
Pictures of today's filming

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